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Reading Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell

I didn’t expect to like Pillow Thoughts as much as I did, first off because I’m not much into poetry. Especially this kind where it feels like you just added line breaks in between paragraphs, I don’t know if it’s just me. Still, it felt more like I was reading lyrics from a song.

I’d be lying if I said this didn’t make me feel giddy and curled my toes at so many parts, this was such a sweet and romantic read with lots of self-growth elements involved in it that I’d love to revisit parts of it occasionally.

Pillow Thoughts is the kind of book I felt like a personal read that spoke directly to me. That’s why I’d had to think twice before recommending it to anyone. I get why people wouldn’t like it as much as I did because I know there are things that people can criticize a lot on. It can get corny at times, it gets emotional. It’s for those who tend to overthink a lot even about the smallest things, sounds like a blend made for me because I don’t mind the corniness one bit!

I don’t care about the way it’s written, or that some of the lines are choppy or lack depth. This book is not perfect, and maybe that’s why this made it more real for me. Perhaps mine is not a fair review based on the fact that I don’t have much knowledge about proses and poetries, but this still made me feel good and gave me a ray of hope. And I’m glad I picked this on a whim.

I wanted to share the highlights and my favourite lines from this but there are just too many to share them all, it’s a shame, really.

This is a relatively quick read too! I finished it within an hour and read it twice after that. Will start on with the second book as well very soon.

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